Blog #7
Top 10 Ways for Presenting a Professional Image 1. Keep your personal business to yourself or make another page for your personal life. 2. Connect with the right people 3. Know how to do your job 4. Admit when you need help, learn how to take criticism. 5. Keep your word 6. Always do a good job at what you do 7. Protect your mental health 8. Personal appearance is everything 9. Be positive and respectful 10. Try not to use your product yourself How important do you think it is to be authentic and true to yourself online? It is very important to be authentic and true to yourself because if you try to be like someone else or do what everyone else is doing then your just another person doing what they do. Nowadays, you really have to stand out from the crowd to make it, make your own trend, make your own product. Just be different. Had you ever considered the importance of a personal brand being about both your online and offline selves? Yes, I have always considered the importance o...