Blog #8

 I've been getting asked this question very often, "what do you want to do with your life after you graduate?" or "what are your plans after graduation?".

After graduation, my plans are to move to Atlanta to grow my social media, make content with some of the biggest names in the industry, and get a job to have multiple sources of income. Also, with that come multiple doors opening up such as acting and modeling and more. I've been doing social media or taking social media seriously and now it is time, and I am ready for my career to take off. I have somewhat of a huge following, I have 12.9K followers on Instagram, 5,803 followers on Tik Tok, and 6.58K on YouTube. I barely use Twitter or Snapchat and I don't have a Facebook. But since I am about to switch up my content, I might be using all platforms to grow.

Now you ask, "Trey why are you in school then?", "what do you want to do with your degree?" In all honesty, I do not want to do anything with my degree because I am highly confident that me being an influencer, model, actor, photographer, and editor is very soon about to take off. I will have my degree as a backup, just for something for me to fall back on but other than that, it's nothing but plan A in being a social media influencer. I done made connections with some big names that stay in Atlanta by just traveling back and forth and going to the right events, so I feel like it's only a matter of time for me to blow. And with God on my side anything is possible, his timing is always perfect at the end of the day, so I am just waiting on Him because He knows when I am ready. 

How will social media impact my life positively?

Social media will impact life positively by opening multiple doors for as being on tv shows, being in movies, getting paid a lot of money and having multiple streams of income, and with that money give back to the community and take care of my family. Also, it can bring a lot of fame, which I am not in it for that. I just want to be able to give back to the community, take care of my family, and be the first in my family to be a millionaire/billionaire that doesn't have to work a 9-5 job for income. 

How will social media impact my life negatively?

If social media were to end at this very second, I wouldn't know what to do honestly, since this is what I want to do. If it were to end, I would have to put my main focus on my degree which is sports management. But if social media were to end later down the line, by that time I would already be up to where I don't need social media. By that time, I will already had been doing movies, tv shows, and more.


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